Tantric Pulsations for women with Aneesha Dillon

An advanced group format for those who already have extensive experience in therapy and body-work.

August 19-24, 2025.
Tantric Pulsations
Tantric Pulsation is a soft, powerful, and deep energy process that unfolds through working with the body, and the life energy that flows through the body, in a soft way. It is a method based in the breathing and the body work first proposed by Wilhelm Reich, and is inspired by the energy-oriented tantric meditations as taught by Osho through his many books on Tantra.

Tantric Pulsation is a process of slowing down and becoming quiet inside; shifting awareness from the busy, thinking mind and the world outside, towards the inner world of the feeling, moving, flowing presence in the body.

Although we work with the life force energy which is sometimes called sex energy, Tantric Pulsation is not about sex per se, but about coming alive with all the different qualities of life energy that flow through the body and the chakras--from the animal/instinctual layers, through the human expressions of the heart, and into subtle, spiritual realms, silence, and meditation.

Through Tantric Pulsation we learn how to bring the qualities of meditation—loving presence, silence, non-doing, sensitivity, compassion, acceptance—into our intimate meetings with the other. This is a way to become aware of the subtle streams of life energy that underlie all movement, all desire, and the orgasmic pleasure that we feel when we can surrender to these waves of natural flowing vitality and inner aliveness, within in a loving embrace.

"Through Tantric Pulsation we learn how to bring the qualities of meditation—loving presence, silence, non-doing, sensitivity, compassion, acceptance.

This is a way to become aware of the subtle streams of life energy that underlie all movement, all desire, and the orgasmic pleasure that we feel when we can surrender to these waves of natural flowing vitality and inner aliveness, within in a loving embrace.

This group provides a loving, supportive environment for each of us to discover a new sensitivity in the body and the emotions, a deeper contact with the energies of the heart—the center of love and compassion."

Aneesha Dillon

Tantric Pulsations for women
This process is for women only, where the atmosphere itself will be filled with support, safety, wildness, tenderness, sexuality, total sincerity, meditation and celebration of our feminine nature in all its diversity.
Often a partner inspires us or reflects our fears and expectations. Sometimes we go so deep into merging that we lose deep, pure contact with ourselves, with our desires, dreams, and the right way for us to live our lives. This group will bring a lot of truth and sincerity into your relationship with yourself, give you an expansion of your energy and a clear sense of your Path.
This is a process where attention will be directed to oneself and one's own ability to celebrate life, to accept it in all its diversity, to feel, to expand, to be receptive, alive, present.
On the group you will find:
  • Energy practices to restore a clean flow of internal energy.
  • Soft and sensual meditations to connect with the space of each chakra, each energy center and naturally open to the flow of pleasure.
  • Process of slowing down and becoming quiet inside; shifting awareness from the busy, thinking mind and the world outside, towards the inner world of the feeling, moving, flowing presence in the body.
  • Beautiful practices and rituals to open the trust of the body to a new level.
  • Practices for revealing the sensuality of your body, expanding the ability to enjoy, conduct energy, share it.
  • Tantric meditations for yourself.
Aneesha Dillon
Aneesha Dillon created Osho Pulsation, a unique and delightful blend of neo-Reichian breathwork and meditation, by combining two streams of understanding, one Western, one Eastern. Over the last four decades Aneesha has changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world through her popular workshops, trainings and individual sessions.

Aneesha has trained hundreds of people all over the world to do this work, and her book "Tantric Pulsation: The journey of human energy from its animal roots to its spiritual flowering" is available in several languages.

Creator of the OSHO Pulsations training.
Creator of the Tantric Pulsations method.
For more than 40 years she has been leading groups and trainings around the world.

Fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Cost of participation:
550 euros if prepayment is made before July 1st.
600 euros if prepayment is made after July 1st.

Accommodation and delicious vegetarian meals for 5 days and nights are paid separately - 300 euros

Our schedule:
Check-in on August 20 from 18.00, dinner at 19.30
On August 21, the group starts at 13.00.
August 25, the end of the group at 17.00

To reserve a place, you need to make an advance payment of 250 euros.
Explanation: tantric pulsations
250 €

*All details about the group will be sent to you personally.
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