Heart Dance with Aneesha Dillon

August 19, 19.00-22.00

About the seminar
One of the wonderful legacies from the Pune One era with Osho was the Sufi Dance practices, originally offered by Ma Prem Aneeta in 1976. Over the years we have come to call the practice Heart Dance.

Heart Dance is a form of 'Circle Dances'; it is a collection of simple songs and dances from around the world that inspire us to connect with ourselves, each other, and the wider, open spaces of the heart.

Through awakening the qualities of spontaneity, simplicity, playfulness, and reverence, we naturally and joyfully surrender our 'serious' ego boundaries and easily join in celebration and let-go with all who are present.
heart dance is a true process of revitalization in all the qualities of life energy that flows through the body and the chakras - from the animal/instinctive layers, through the human expressions of the heart and into the subtle, spiritual realms, silence and meditation.
Aneesha Dillon
The legendary Teacher and creator of the Neo-Reichian Osho Pulsations, a unique synthesis of Eastern and Western methods, combining the works of Wilhelm Reich and meditation.

Aneesha is also a creator of Tantric Pulsations, a method rooted in the body's natural capacity for pleasure and joy, and the spirit's desire for stillness and meditation.

For over 50 years, Aneesha has been conducting her groups, teaching trainings, individual sessions and supervisions for therapists all over the world.

Aneesha is the author of the book "Tantric Pulsations" which has been translated into dozens of languages.
Fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Cost of participation:
50 euro

Pulsations OÜ

Explanation: heart dance

*All details about the group will be sent to you personally.
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