Return to innocence with Tarika Glubin and Anam Smith

October 24-29, 2023

Sometimes we can feel guilt and shame for the way we express our feelings, ambitions, and our true desires, for the way we express our sexual nature. As if deep inside there is a feeling that there’s something wrong with me and I need to hide it, not bring it out into the light. Maybe there is even a deep experience (conscious or unconscious) of one’s unworthiness, inadequacy, and hence we are looking for ways to deserve love and approval through rebellion, protest, achievements, success, or through other outer ways.

If during teenage years we didn’t have enough support, we didn’t have a sense of belonging and an inspiring example of freedom, aliveness, and talent. If we were not taught to defend our boundaries, trust our nature, and our feelings. If we received an overt or a covert prohibition on expressing our sexuality, our wild alive nature. Then naturally a deep sense of insecurity settles inside and the sense that there is something wrong with me and that it needs to be hidden.

Then the veil of shame and guilt covers our whole life. In some areas of our life we can be very happy, successful, fulfilled, but in some others we face an acute pain, judgment and rejection of ourselves.

Returning to innocence is a very beautiful process of regaining contact with your adolescent self and releasing the conditioning of the family, and society where your process of growing up was happening.

What are you like without the sense of guilt and those limitations that you are used to feeling? What are you like when the judgment is gone and you get the right to be yourself and live as yourself every day?

Support, endless acknowledgement, the sense of love and innocence in your expression.
Teachers Tarika Glubin and Anam Smith
Tarika Glubin
Tarika Glubin has a master's degree in psychology and 30 years of experience working with people both in groups and individually.

The geography of her professional activity includes Europe, USA, India. Her profile is Primal Therapy (Primal), Early Childhood Deconditioning, Body Oriented Psychotherapy, Couple Relationship Therapy.
Tarika leads groups such as the Freedom Proces.

Anam Smith
Anam Smith (Germany, Hamburg) - Osho therapist since 1975

From the age of 25 he has been conducting Primal Therapy and started teaching at Osho Multiversity in Pune.

His specialties are Bioenergetics, Primal Therapy, Rebirthing, Tantra, Satori, Group Dynamics, Encounter Methods, Counseling and Presentation Skills.

He has experience working with people from many cultures. He conducts seminars in Germany, Holland, Italy and the USA. Anam currently works as a trainer and trainer in personal development, communication and conflict management and mediation as a business consultant.
Group Format
The group takes place in the format of a 5-day deep retreat.This requires participants to have special training, organize personal space and take responsibility for:- restriction in food (sugar, coffee, alcohol, meat, dairy products, gluten are prohibited)- restriction in communication (it is forbidden to talk outside the training room)- we ask you to turn off phones and any communication with the outside world for 5 days.
More information will be sent to you after registration.

Every day there is a break for breakfast, lunch and dinner -amazing vegan, healthy food.
And 2-3 tea breaks.
Fill out the form below and we will contact you.
Cost of participation:
550 euros if paid before September 1, 2023.
600 euros if paid before October 1, 2023.
650 euros if paid after October 1, 2023.
Accommodation and meals in the retreat center are paid separately 50 euros per day per person.

Prepayment of 250 euros to the account:
Pulsations OÜ
Details: 24.10

The prepayment reserves a place for you in the group and is non-refundable if you miss the event.
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