Voicing with Pratibha

Unleash the full power and richness of your voice!

May 2-4 Basic level
May 5-6 Advanced level

Tao Keskus, Rotermanni 2.
"Singing is the language of the heart; when you tell someone they can't sing, it's the same as saying they don't have a soul..."

Since ancient origins, humans have expressed their deepest emotions through sound, music and singing. The words, in fact, are not enough to express the intensity of moods such as joy, sorrow, spirituality, sensuality, the triumph, the horror. It is human nature to express the most intimate experiences through song.

In this group we will learn to sound with the whole body, and not just with the vocal cords. We will learn to live and express our emotions and states brightly, voluminously, richly and expressively, and the voice is the best tool for this!
An innate knowing reconnects us to a state of authenticity, uniqueness and truth of our innermost being.

We don’t sing with the throat (vocal cords), we sound with the whole body. Did you know about this?
Therefore, a "trained" voice often doesn’t touch our hearts.

By truly connecting to our energy, regaining contact with the body, we connect with the inner truth, feelings, emotions, and states. We sound from this truth, we sing it. It is then that the way we sound acquires a unique, original, unlike anything else style of self-expression through sound, through the energy of sound. We sound literally with our whole body from the top of our heads to the tips of our toes.

What if I can't sing? What if I don't have a voice? Our answer is that it’s not possible.

Anyone who has a body can sound. Your voice is completely unique and is able to express all the richness of your life's journey, all the stories you have experienced, feelings, dreams and hopes, joys and sorrows.

Yes, there are blocks and holdings, emotional and physical. That’s what we are going to work with to support you on your way to self-expression.

Trust in our own spontaneous voice is an experience of great expansion and bodily, emotional freedom.
VOICING© is a unique direction developed by the world famous teacher Ma Pratibha, which includes:

  • work with the body (a certain set of bodily practices)
  • living and expressing emotions
  • special breathing techniques
  • shamanic practices
  • active meditations
  • working with the state and volume of your energy
  • voice control tools

If we are in touch with our power, with our love and the true nature of our essence - it is always heard in our voice! It is rich, full, expressive, juicy, convincing. One wants to listen to it, to follow it.

Therefore, working with the voice through the system of vital energy, through the body and a certain way of sounding is the most important tool for everyone who works with people:

  • Group and event facilitators
  • Leaders
  • Teachers
  • Actors
  • Singers and musicians
  • Therapists, coaches, psychologists
  • Lawyers
  • Media representatives
Pratibha, after intense years of research, experiences and training in the field of human soul and psychological structures, that brought her also in contact with american-indian shamanismus, sufi teachings and Osho's meditations techniques and vision, she developed her own unique approach.

VOICING© was born in 1993 and its innovative aspect is the particular understanding and use of voice as a tool for human and spiritual discovery and development.

Presently Pratibha is also a teacher of Diamond Logos Teaching of Essence that she includes in her work with the voice.
Nowadays Pratibha leads VOICING© groups and training in the whole world.

Fill out the form below and we will contact you.

Cost of participation:
May 2-4 Basic level - 350 euros
May 5-6 Advanced level - 150 euros

Our schedule:
May 2, 3, 4 - 10.00-19.00
May 5 - 7.00-22.00
May 6 - 7.00-18.00
Tao Keskus, Rotermanni 2.

To reserve a place, you need to make an advance payment of 150 euros.
Explanation: voicing
150 €

*All details about the group will be sent to you personally.
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