Aneesha Dillon Aneesha Dillon created Osho Pulsation, a unique and delightful blend of neo-Reichian breathwork and meditation, by combining two streams of understanding, one Western, one Eastern. Over the last four decades Aneesha has changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world through her popular workshops, trainings and individual sessions. Aneesha has trained hundreds of people all over the world to do this work, and her book "Tantric Pulsation: The journey of human energy from its animal roots to its spiritual flowering" is available in several languages. Creator of the OSHO Pulsations training. Creator of the Tantric Pulsations method. For more than 40 years she has been leading groups and trainings around the world. |
Prem Svaraj - Uus-Reichi OSHO Pulseeringu juhtiv sertifitseeritud spetsialist Prem Svaraj( Valeri Guk )alates 2008. aastast - Uus-Reichi OSHO Pulseeringu meetodi juhtiv koolitaja alates 2019. aastast - TransEssensi sertifitseeritud spetsialist - Tanatoterapeut - Meetodi "Kehale suunatud psühhoteraapia" õpetaja - Professionaalne psühholoog-õpetaja - Koolituste ja regulaarsete rühmade juht Venemaal, Ukrainas, Moldovas, Lätis, Leedus, Taiwanil, Indias ja Hiinas üle 10 aasta - Alates 2004. aastast "Ülevenemaalise Professionaalse Psühhoteraapia Liiga" liige. |
Deva Ramana (Roman Djukin) Treeningute läbiviija Neoreihistlike Osho Pulsatsioonide meetodil alates 2019. - TransEssens sertifitseeritud spetsialist alates 2013. - Rebalansing sertifitseeritud spetsialist alates 2020. - Lõpetanud rakendusliku psühholoogia, psühhoteraapia ja sotsiaaltöö eriala Interdistsiplinaarses Hariduslikus Uurimiskeskuses 2004. aastal. - Treeningute, regulaarsete gruppide ja individuaalsessioonide läbiviija juba üle 20 aasta. Kasutab oma töös Neoreichistlikke Pulsatsioone, „Sisemise lapse" meetodit ja Primal teraapiat, tööd loomupäraste omadustega, Energia Lugemise meetodit. |
Tarika Glubin Tarika Glubin has a master's degree in psychology and 30 years of experience working with people both in groups and individually. The geography of her professional activity includes Europe, USA, India. Her profile is Primal Therapy (Primal), Early Childhood Deconditioning, Body Oriented Psychotherapy, Couple Relationship Therapy.Tarika leads groups such as the Freedom Proces. |
Anam Smith Anam Smith (Germany, Hamburg) - Osho therapist since 1975 From the age of 25 he has been conducting Primal Therapy and started teaching at Osho Multiversity in Pune. His specialties are Bioenergetics, Primal Therapy, Rebirthing, Tantra, Satori, Group Dynamics, Encounter Methods, Counseling and Presentation Skills. He has experience working with people from many cultures. He conducts seminars in Germany, Holland, Italy and the USA. Anam currently works as a trainer and trainer in personal development, communication and conflict management and mediation as a business consultant. |
- For more than 10 years, organizer and leader of regular and retreat groups, practices, mysteries and meditations (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine). - Studied regression therapy and working with traumatic experiences of the past from European masters and Eastern mystics. - Completed the first stage of Neo-Reichian OSHO Pulsations with the creator of this direction, Anisha Dillon, USA (deep body therapy method). Continues training. |