The methods of deep self-exploration and personal growth that work
through the body and the life energy system in order to restore our natural
aliveness and expressivity.

On this website you'll find the schedule of groups, retreats and practices that can
considerably change the quality of your life.
The exquisite combination of subtle psychotherapeutic work, deep body work,
Primal therapy, bioenergetics, meditations and absolutely unique energy of the
Teachers who carry the integral knowledge and have many years of experience
working with people all around the world. All this merges into one process that
can be done in the format that is convenient for you.

Each group is a unique process of deep self-exploration and requires special
preparation, conscious choice and following necessary recommendations.

"Everything valuable that we are looking for is not possible to find somewhere
outside - in another person, situation, idea, or teaching. All the treasures are
inside. And they are available at every moment in life".
Schedule of Pulsations groups for 2024 in Estonia:
March 21-30
(Russian and English)
April 1-6, 2024
(Russian and English)
August 20-25, 2024
(Russian and English)
September 12-17
(Russian and English)
September 19-28
(Russian and English)
September 8
(русс \ eng)
November 1-7
(Russian and English)
Other groups we recommend:
February 6-10 2025
(Russian and English)
May 2-4, 2025 Basic level
(Russian and English)
May 5-6, 2025 Advanced level.
(Russian and English)
May 23-25 2025
(English and Russian)
May 30 - June 8, 2025
(Russian and English)
June 10-19, 2025
(Russian and English)
September, 2025
(Russian and English)
The Rebellious Spirit with Tarika Glubin
November 2025
(English and Russian)
(Russian and English)
Leaders of groups and trainings:
Aneesha Dillon
Aneesha Dillon created Osho Pulsation, a unique and delightful blend of neo-Reichian breathwork and meditation, by combining two streams of understanding, one Western, one Eastern. Over the last four decades Aneesha has changed the lives of thousands of people all over the world through her popular workshops, trainings and individual sessions.

Aneesha has trained hundreds of people all over the world to do this work, and her book "Tantric Pulsation: The journey of human energy from its animal roots to its spiritual flowering" is available in several languages.

Creator of the OSHO Pulsations training.
Creator of the Tantric Pulsations method.
For more than 40 years she has been leading groups and trainings around the world.
Tarika Glubin
Tarika Glubin has a master's degree in psychology and 30 years of experience working with people both in groups and individually.

The geography of her professional activity includes Europe, USA, India. Her profile is Primal Therapy (Primal), Early Childhood Deconditioning, Body Oriented Psychotherapy, Couple Relationship Therapy.Tarika leads groups such as the Freedom Proces.
Anam Smith
Anam Smith (Germany, Hamburg) - Osho therapist since 1975

From the age of 25 he has been conducting Primal Therapy and started teaching at Osho Multiversity in Pune.
His specialties are Bioenergetics, Primal Therapy, Rebirthing, Tantra, Satori, Group Dynamics, Encounter Methods, Counseling and Presentation Skills.

He has experience working with people from many cultures. He conducts seminars in Germany, Holland, Italy and the USA.

Anam currently works as a trainer and trainer in personal development, communication and conflict management and mediation as a business consultant.
Pratibha, after intense years of research, experiences and training in the field of human soul and psychological structures, that brought her also in contact with american-indian shamanismus, sufi teachings and Osho's meditations techniques and vision, she developed her own unique approach.

VOICING© was born in 1993 and its innovative aspect is the particular understanding and use of voice as a tool for human and spiritual discovery and development.

Presently Pratibha is also a teacher of Diamond Logos Teaching of Essence that she includes in her work with the voice.
Nowadays Pratibha leads VOICING© groups and training in the whole world.

In 1977, Shakura left her university studies in Italy to live and work in the international commune that was rapidly growing around the enlightened Master Osho in Pune, India. During the next few years, she participated in several trainings dealing with body-mind issues. Her quest for self-transformation through meditation and therapy revealed her own intrinsic qualities to be a therapist Soon she began giving sessions in Osho Rebalancing and then leading body-oriented courses such as: A Taste of Rebalancing, Opening to Touch, Loving Yourself-Loving Your Body, Rebalancing Training. She developed her own unique method her Diamond Bodywork from rebalancing in order to move more deeply into the meditative and intuitive aspects of bodywork.

Many times, just by touching the body of the client, a lot of childhood memories and emotions were triggered, and through this her interest shifted towards helping people deal directly with childhood issues. Having been trained in Primal Therapy, Family Constellation and Trauma Work, she started giving sessions and workshops in Primal Therapy. She later created the Primal Transformation Process.

She travels around the world where she leads the Primal Transformation Process and Inner Child courses, Adolescence-Energy Transformation workshops, the Primal Facilitator Training etc. (see menu for full list) and she also offers individual sessions in Primal, Childhood Deconditioning, Counseling and Couple Sessions.

Prem Svaraj
- Uus-Reichi OSHO Pulseeringu juhtiv sertifitseeritud spetsialist Prem Svaraj( Valeri Guk )alates 2008. aastast
- Uus-Reichi OSHO Pulseeringu meetodi juhtiv koolitaja alates 2019. aastast
- TransEssensi sertifitseeritud spetsialist
- Tanatoterapeut
- Meetodi "Kehale suunatud psühhoteraapia" õpetaja
- Professionaalne psühholoog-õpetaja
- Koolituste ja regulaarsete rühmade juht Venemaal, Ukrainas, Moldovas, Lätis, Leedus, Taiwanil, Indias ja Hiinas üle 10 aasta
- Alates 2004. aastast "Ülevenemaalise Professionaalse Psühhoteraapia Liiga" liige.
Deva Ramana (Roman Djukin)
Treeningute läbiviija Neoreihistlike Osho Pulsatsioonide meetodil alates 2019.

- TransEssens sertifitseeritud spetsialist alates 2013.
- Rebalansing sertifitseeritud spetsialist alates 2020.
- Lõpetanud rakendusliku psühholoogia, psühhoteraapia ja sotsiaaltöö eriala Interdistsiplinaarses Hariduslikus Uurimiskeskuses 2004. aastal.
- Treeningute, regulaarsete gruppide ja individuaalsessioonide läbiviija juba üle 20 aasta. Kasutab oma töös Neoreichistlikke Pulsatsioone, „Sisemise lapse" meetodit ja Primal teraapiat, tööd loomupäraste omadustega, Energia Lugemise meetodit.
I've been teaching and practicing the Movements now for over 30 years. During the 90s, I was based in India and for over 10 years I led the 6-week Gurdjieff Movements Intensive at Osho Commune International (now re-named Osho Meditation Resort) in Pune, as well as leading 10-day silent Movements Retreats.
But I also have, since the mid 90s, travelled to many different countries giving Movements Workshops and Intensives - UK, Germany, Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, India, Taiwan, the US and Costa Rica.
Some of my works have been staged in theaters in Taiwan.

I almost always say at the beginning of my Workshops: "this is not a dance workshop – and I am not a Dance Teacher!"
I'm not working with dance (even though we spend almost all of the time in my Workshops learning Movements); what I am working with is what Gurdjieff called "Presence of Being"

Organizer Aliaksandra Jivan Mouji
- For more than 10 years, organizer and leader of regular and retreat groups, practices, mysteries and meditations (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Turkey, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine).

- Studied regression therapy and working with traumatic experiences of the past from European masters and Eastern mystics.

- Completed the first stage of Neo-Reichian OSHO Pulsations with the creator of this direction, Anisha Dillon, USA (deep body therapy method). Continues training.

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